For a healthy and sovereign people & Planet
What makes us different?
We’re not just different – we’re currently the only app offering this range of services. So what are those services?
Grow food in your own backyard
Exchange or trade the produce you harvest with your neighborhood
Buy & Sell
Local garden-fresh produce is definitely tastier than anything at the supermarket. Buy directly from your neighbor or sell your own extras to the neighboorhood
Give & Receive
When the harvest comes in, there’s definitely enough to share! Spread the harvest and receive fresh ripe produce from your local community’s gardeners
Teach & Learn
Are you a beginner gardener? Receive the guidance and resources you need to get started.
If you’re experienced and love to share what you know, help out a neighbor with some hands-on tips and help!
Sell or Exchange produce with your Neighbors!
Verdance enables you to find fresh and local garden-grown produce in your community and to trade and sell produce from your own garden
Want to find items for a specific recipe?
Update your wishlist and see who has what you need nearby
Find Buyers
Make money selling produces from you garden.
Produce Exchange
Have extra vegetables from your harvest that are in danger of going bad? Share them with your neighbors and know they’re being enjoyed.
Free Food
Have extra vegetables from your harvest that are in danger of going bad? Share them with your neighbors and know they’re being enjoyed.
Need help starting a garden?
Connect with a garden mentor.

Exchange Food
Be part of a network of locally grown and harvested food! Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, receive, give, or trade, we are here to facilitate access to healthy, tasty, nutritious produce. Help us move from a food system that is fundamentally unsustainable towards one that helps our communities and neighborhoods flourish, thrive, and create significantly greater food security.
My Process
Unique Framework
Our current food system is fundamentally unsustainable
In our world today, we are relying on a complex system to access food. This system relies on growing crops in specific key areas of the country and the world and then shipping this food across the country (5 day drive on 18-wheelers) or even across the globe.
The problem is that many of these systems are already starting to fail. We can see this in the rapidly rising prices at the grocery store. Right now there is a severe and increasing drought to the west of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. California is the biggest producer of Food in the United States, and is one of the places experiencing this drought most drastically. Farmers are leaving significant protions of their fields unplanted because there is not enough water [citation].
Certain scientific studies project that were nothing to change in our human trajectory of relating to this planet, we have less than 40 harvests left on this planet before we will no longer be able to grow food outdoors [citation].
Of course, while the drought is one of the acutely visible symptoms of this unsustainability, if you visit southern California, you will clearly see a dustbowl just like the history books show in one of the most difficult periods of starvation in the recent history of this land. The current farming practices that we use at a large scale absolutely destroy and deplete the soil, creating an inhospitable environment for plant life. Our modern farming practices are literally creating deserts in many parts of the world.
What is Sustainability?
The word ‘Sustainability’ refers to something that is able to endure indefinitely. So if something is unsustainable, like our current food system, that means that it is inevitably going to crumble.
So then what does it mean to start creating a suystainable system around our food that will endure and keep the Earth healthy for generatiuons to come?
We need to re-learn how we approach and relate to food.
Implementing Well-Tested Solutions!
The word ‘Sustainability’ refers to something that is able to endure indefinitely. So if somethin
The Results – where does this lead our human species?
The word ‘Sustainability’ refers to something that is able to endure indefinitely. So if somethin
Help us all out with your Feedback!
We want to make this app work for you however it is that you approach gardening, so that we can shift into a healthier paradigm on this planet Earth – where we can eat good healthy food grown by ourselves and those around us.
So we have a request: please send us your feedback – anything you’re finding that could be improved, or any ways in which you’re using the app or want to use the app that aren’t supported as well as they could be!
Help us make this app fit your needs!
Email Us